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Vital Cyber Essentials

What is Cyber Essentials?
See this short video for details

Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective, Government backed scheme that will help you to protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a whole range of the most common cyber attacks.

Cyber-attacks come in many shapes and sizes, but the vast majority are very basic in nature, carried out by relatively unskilled individuals. They are the digital equivalent of a thief trying your front door to see if it’s unlocked.

Unfortunately, most small businesses do the digital equivalent of leaving windows or doors unlocked, and it is these basic measures that cyber essentials certification makes sure you have not overlooked.

You may think you have your door and windows locked, but in the 3 years of being a Cyber Essentials Certification Body and many hundreds of certifications, there have only been a handful of first time passes!

Cyber Essentials Self Certification

The self-assessment option gives you protection against a wide variety of the most common cyber attacks. This is important because vulnerability to simple attacks can mark you out as target for more in-depth unwanted attention from cyber criminals and others.

The equivalent to your neighbour having their windows open, but you don’t – the criminals simply move on to the easier target.

Certification gives you peace of mind that your defences will protect against the vast majority of common cyber attacks simply because these attacks are looking for targets which do not have the Cyber Essentials technical controls in place.

Cyber Essentials Plus

Cyber Essentials Plus builds on the Cyber Essentials simplicity of approach, and the protections you need to put in place are the same, but for Cyber Essentials Plus a hands-on technical verification is carried out.

100% of self-certified businesses have failed a Cyber Essential Plus audit

Why? Because with the additional tools and skills used by the assessors, there are always elements of your business technology that have been overlooked, forgotten about or that you simply don’t understand.

Why should you get Cyber Essentials?

  • Certified cyber security with reduction in Cyber Insurance Premiums
  • Reassure customers that you are working to secure your IT against cyber attack
  • Attract new business with the promise you have cyber security measures in place
  • You have a clear picture of your organisation's cyber security level
  • Government contracts require Cyber Essentials certification

Why Southern IT for your Cyber Essentials?

Small business is a world we know very well, since 2003 we’ve been supporting clients in the SME sector and offering Cyber Essentials was a natural next step.

Cyber Security isn’t optional anymore, it’s not if, but when and cyber essentials is a good all round approach for small businesses to raise their cyber security game.

We are one of only a few Certification bodies between the Sussex coast and Greater London, and more worryingly, one of only a few IT Support companies certified to Cyber Essentials Plus ourselves.

We offer self certification from £300 to fully managed packages for your business.

University of Lancaster research showed that 99.6% of all common cyber attacks were fully or partially mitigated by those with Cyber Essentials controls in place, those without suffered a 100% rate of a data breech and disruption.

For more information or to register for Cyber Essentials Certification, call Southern IT on 01323 287828 or visit their website here.