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Latest Virus Update

Given the latest information from COBRA we have decided to cancel all face-to-face events until further notice.  However, if you have reduced your social contact and are going stir crazy, in about a month we will be holding a “Netwalking” event on the seafront for those who want to get out and meet up with friends in a safer environment.

We will walk and talk to members in the fresh air so you can share your concerns and offer help and support to each other.  With the breeze on the seafront, we hope that you will be able to share ideas with a reduced risk of infection.  We plan to meet at Fusciardi’s, grab a takeaway coffee and a bacon sandwich, then take a walk along the promenade.

Let us know here whether you would like to join us.

Obviously, if instructions from Cobra change, our plans may change; watch this space.

Eastbourne COBRA Meeting

The Chamber has arranged a meeting with the MP, Caroline Ansell, the senior management team of the council, the Police, NHS and CCG, along with sector business leaders including the Eastbourne Hospitality Association, Your Eastbourne BID, schools, colleges, Age Concern, the homeless, the Foodbank, the press, the buses, retail, banking and of course the Chamber of Commerce.

We will be asking for information on Cobra advice, rates discounts, rent holidays, funding, low interest loans, Universal Credit, staffing and insurance to try to provide clearer communication to our members.