A letter from Inspector Rachel Barrow
Dear Partners
The Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre has raised the UK National Threat Level to SEVERE. This means an attack is highly likely.
The threat to the UK from international terrorism has increased, the message is that the public should be alert but not alarmed.
This decision has been taken, in response to the horrific events in France and Austria. Our thoughts are with all of the victims, their families and loved ones.
The increase in the threat level, is at this time not based on a specific threat to the UK, and officers from Counter Terrorism Policing continue to work closely with our international partners and will of course provide any assistance where they can.
At a time when our resolve is being tested to its core, a reminder has been sent to all Police officers and Police staff to be aware of their own personal safety, and remain vigilant when on and off duty.
Members of the public should also be urged to remain vigilant and encouraged to bring to police attention anyone they perceive may be vulnerable, a danger or escalating towards terrorism by calling the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321 or by visiting https://link.edgepilot.com/s/157e7a9d/DmJ4jswLFUivOCr88gL3wQ?u=http://www.gov.uk/ACT
Thank you to all of you as you continue to work closely with the policing team in Eastbourne.
I felt it important to share this change in threat level, to share the awareness and the request for vigilance
It is likely that we will see an increased visibility of armed officers deployed across the UK and in Sussex as a result.
Communities defeat terrorism, which is why we must maintain the strong relationship between the public and police. We depend on information from the public, who can be our eyes and ears, in our efforts to keep us all safe.
Inspector Rachel Barrow DB070
Neighbourhood Policing Team
East Sussex Division
Sussex Police