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TRANSFORM Your Business With Government-Backed Scheme

If you have ever considered taking on apprentices, or if you are looking at how best to recruit and grow your team, you may can find advice and practical solutions through the Transform Project. Their advisers can inform businesses of the government-funded provision that is available for them, as well as helping them source and access these programmes. Through the scheme, Sussex businesses can learn how government provision can help them to meet their business objectives, including development and growth potential.

You can email transform at and they can offerstep-by-step, simple  guidance keeping things simple, and making your life easier.

If you would like to find out more, please visit


Transform is a FREE workforce skills information and brokerage service that offers East Sussex businesses impartial information and supported access to funded workforce training.

TRANSFORM has been part funded by the European Social Fund 2014-20. It is a partnership between East Sussex County Council and Sussex Council of Training Providers.