COVID-19 has impacted on so many things, and Poppy Appeal organisers are in need of a bit of help. Eastbourne unLtd Chamber of Commerce will be helping out by volunteering to sell poppies; could you help too? Please read the message below from Vanessa Peters, Poppy Appeal Organiser.
The 2020 Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal starts in a few days; last year, we raised over £90,000 in Eastbourne. At a time when many of our veterans are struggling Coronavirus has had a major impact on this year's Appeal. Our fund-raising activities have been restricted, many of our usual volunteers are unable to help this year and many of the businesses who took a Poppy Appeal box and collection tin, or allowed us to have a stall in their premises, are unable to do so. We need your support more than ever. There are 3 ways in which you can help:
1) Make a donation direct to the Eastbourne Poppy Appeal. The bank account details are set out below. Please make sure that you put the reference on any payment you make, or it will not be credited to the Eastbourne Poppy Appeal.
Account name: Royal British Legion
Bank: Metrobank
Sort code: 23-05-80
Account number: 34257876
Reference: SFB01
2) If you have suitable premises, have a Poppy Appeal box and/or a collection tin on display. Every penny counts, so let us know if you can take a box or a collection tin.
3) Volunteer to work on a Poppy Appeal stall for a couple of hours. Coronavirus has limited the number of stalls we can operate this year but we are very short of volunteers to sit at those stalls and provide a friendly face for the public. If we can find enough volunteers we will operate stalls in 5 of the town's supermarkets. The Royal British Legion will be observing the government's requirements on the wearing of face masks; will provide hand sanitiser, COVID 19 signage and use contactless machines for any non-cash payments. If you have a couple of hours to spare, please let us know.
If you would like to support this year's Poppy Appeal or have any questions, please email or phone Vanessa Peters, the Poppy Appeal Organiser, on 07759 922 988.
Thank you.