A message from Darrell Gale, Director of Public Health for East Sussex
"We're lucky that East Sussex has lower rates of Covid-19 than many other parts of the country. Even so, cases are gradually rising here as they are across England and I expect this to continue following the easing of restrictions in recent months. We must recognise this and we ALL need to act to reduce infection in our community.
"First of all, this means following the new law which comes into force on Monday - no gathering should be of more than six people (though it doesn't apply at work or in education).�
"Also, we must keep up those basic things (which you may be bored of hearing about but which are still vital):
- keep 2 metres apart from other people where possible
- regularly wash your hands
- immediately self-isolate and arrange a test if you have symptoms of the virus (a new persistent cough, a change in smell or taste, or a fever). �
- wear a face covering in shops and other enclosed public places if you possibly can (but respect people who don't, they may have very good reasons not to and we all have the right to feel safe).�
"We did really well in supporting each other during lockdown. We must keep being kind to each other and recognise that we're all different and have our own ways of navigating these difficult and changing times.
"Meanwhile, we're working hard to prepare against any local outbreak and to support our residents and businesses. We have updated our local outbreak plan for East Sussex and it will be discussed on Thursday (17 Sept) by the body overseeing our response, the Health and Well-being Board. The meeting will be broadcast live online.�
"Let's look after each other and prevent a local outbreak."
Meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board
Latest Covid case report for East Sussex